Summer Meltdown Challenge
Mason County News
With so many free exercise programs in Mason, it’s not difficult to find something for everyone. For those of you who want to pursue a fitness program this summer, we have just the challenge for you. It’s the Summer Meltdown Challenge. There are at least 13, YES, 13 FREE exercise programs offered in Mason. There is literally something for everyone.
Classes are offered at convenient indoor locations that can fit almost any schedule and any level of ability. Bring a friend or come to make new friends. A few benefits of exercise include improved flexibility, balance, strength & endurance. Exercise not only tones up your body, but it tunes up you mind. Participants in this challenge can attend as many programs as they desire. Just remember, if you haven’t been physically active for a while, go slow. Don’t look for perfection-look for improvement.
Activity logs are available at each class for tracking time invested in physical activity & we will have a covered dish celebration event at the conclusion of the challenge with 3 prizes presented to the participants who have logged the most hours. For those who exercise, but do not want to participate in the challenge, be sure to enter your name for the monthly drawings.
For general questions, you may contact Ann Scarth at 347-5983. Here is a roster of classes in the order of available times with leader contact information: Shape Up Class (women only), 8 a.m., M/W/F, at River of Life with Catherine Dyer (347-9497); Yoga (for men & women) 8 a.m. T/T Mason library with Patti Grote (347-5446); Tai Chi (for men & women), 8:00 a.m., M-F, First United Methodist Church, with Eva Tannehill (347-1518); Zumba Gold (women only), 10:00 a.m., T/T, First United Methodist Church with Lynn Hedges (347-7407); Walk 2B Fit (for men & women), 10:00 a.m., M/W/F, First United Methodist Church with Ann Scarth (347-5983); Wellness Exercise (for men & women), 3:00 p.m., M/W/F, St. Paul Lutheran with Sara Banta (347-5582); Zumba (regular) (women only), 4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays & 5 p.m. on Thursdays, River of Life Church with Rene Ince (347-2101); Shape Up Class (women only), 5:15 p.m., M/W, River of Life Church with Michelle Ingracia (347-9413); Hot Yoga (for men & women), 5:15 p.m., every other Wednesday ((June 18th, July 2nd, etc.), Lamplight Designs on Spring Street with Deborah Hofmann (347-5278); Zumba (regular) (women only), 5:30 p.m., Mondays, St. Paul Lutheran Church with Chel Terrell (347-7301); Yoga’latis (women only), 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays, River of Life Church with Deborah Hofmann (347-5278); Yoga (for men & women), 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays-basic, Thursdays-intermediate, Mason ISD library, Cindy Morris (please contact at; Restorative Yoga (for men & women), Mondays 7:45 p.m., Wednesdays 6:30 p.m., Power Barn (behind Dollar General) with Deborah Hofmann (347-5278). (Instructors not in the attached photo include: Sara Banta, Patti Grote, Deborah Hofmann, Rene Ince & Michelle Ingracia.)