MHM Provides New Laptops to Cesar E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundational Scholarship Winners

San Antonio, TX (March 31, 2024) – Methodist Healthcare Ministries (MHM) is providing a new Dell laptop to 20 scholarship recipients selected by the César E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation (CCLEF). The announcement was made at the annual César E. Chávez Day Águila Awards Gala, held Saturday, March 24 at Brooks Hanger 9. The César E. Chávez Day Águila Awards Gala concludes the César Chavez Day Celebration which began earlier that day with the 28th Annual Cesar E. Chavez March for Justice.

MHM sponsored the events for the first time in 2024 as CCLEF’s goals are closely aligned with its priorities, including addressing food insecurity, the digital divide, access to healthcare, voting rights and wage disparities. In 2023, the scholarship recipients expressed to CCLEF a need for laptops in preparation for their continuing education goals.

The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the widening digital divide, especially for students who did not have internet access at home, or the hardware needed to participate in virtual learning environments. The laptop donation is one small step towards closing that gap for these students.

“These inspiring students deserve every opportunity to reach their fullest potential for health and life and we are proud to provide them with one of the key resources they’ll need to reach for the stars,” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “On behalf of our board of directors and the entire team at MHM, I congratulate these students on this special recognition, and we wish them success on their education journey.”

Each of the 20 students is receiving a $2,500 scholarship. Scholarship applicants submitted a letter of recommendation, an essay or poem, a copy of their high school transcripts, and an acceptance letter to an accredited community college, university, trade school or culinary school to be considered.

Ernest J. Martinez, Chairman of the César E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation added “With the digital divide that is impacting families in underserved communities, bridging the gap to technology access is critical to learning, and having this kind of support from the Methodist Healthcare Ministries Familia is a community  win for students.”

The celebration follows the Cesar E. Chavez March for Justice, which honors the farm workers who help to feed our nation. The March for Justice has taken place in San Antonio since 1997 and this year marks the 28th anniversary. The march is co-sponsored by the City of San Antonio and organized by the Cesar E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation.


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive. 

About Cesar E. Chavez Legacy & Educational Foundation

Over the years, through the generosity of individual donors, public sector, and the corporate community, CECLEF has focused on the mission of serving others. To Preserve the Life & Legacy of César E. Chávez, whether it is providing college scholarships to our youth, or giving back to families through our annual Thanksgiving & Christmas in the Barrio events in the inner-city West Side of San Antonio, we encourage the youth of our community to Engage in Civic Participation, Advocate for Social & Economic Justice, and Graduate from College. As we continue with the CECLEF traditions, we keep the spirit of César E. Chávez alive and well in San Antonio. ¡SI SE PUEDE!


6 Community Coalitions Selected for Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ Prosperemos Juntos Thriving Together Learning Collaborative

San Antonio, TX (March 19, 2024) – Six community coalitions from South Texas have been selected for the fourth cohort of Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together (PJTT) Learning Collaborative. These coalitions are based in two geographic areas: the Mid-Border region (Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, LaSalle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, and Zavala counties), and the Laredo/Tri-County area (Webb, Zapata, and Jim Hogg counties). Beginning this month, they will embark on a six-month learning collaborative to explore different frameworks and equip themselves to develop and implement a health equity strategy for their community.

PJTT supports communities in shifting and sharing power to accelerate their journey toward health equity. Methodist Healthcare Ministries (MHM) strongly believes that communities are best equipped to improve their health and well-being. The ultimate goal of this collaborative is to provide coalitions with the knowledge and resources to strategically advance health equity, utilizing the Pathways to Population Health framework as a guide.

“The Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together program is one of the ways that we advance our strategic focus of strengthening communities and we are focusing our efforts on the counties and regions with the highest levels of inequities and poverty,” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “This approach allows us to have a stronger and deeper level of engagement where we learn and co-create the solutions with people who live, work, pray, and play in the communities we serve.”

This is the fourth cohort of MHM’s PJTT Learning Collaborative. The first cohort was launched in 2021. The curriculum for the Learning Collaborative was developed in partnership with WE In the World. The coalitions selected for the cohort include:

Mid-Border Region

  • Community Empowerment Alliance
    • Election Nerds, Eagle Pass SAFE, Eagle Pass Firefighter Union Local 5490
  • Manos Unidas por la Dignidad
    • Maverick County Hospital District Foundation, El Consulado de Mexico/Ventanilla de Salud, Wintergarden Women’s Shelter

Laredo / Tri-County Area

  • Prosperity Alliance for Laredo
    • Laredo Chamber of Commerce Foundation, International Bank of Commerce, PNC Bank
  • Smiles from Heaven
    • Smiles from Heaven, Bondoc Security Services LLC, Christ Worship Center
  • Zapata Fuerte
    • Zapata County Public Library, Zapata Boys & Girls Club, Los Ebanos Apartments, Zapata County Indigent Care
  • Zapata Health Coalition
    • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Zapata Ryderz, Zapata CISD, Zapata County

During the learning collaborative, Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ Communities of Solutions (CoS) team supports the coalitions in developing a multi-sector collaboration that incorporates persons with lived experience of the challenges that the coalition is tackling into the coalition’s leadership team. The goal is for coalitions to identify and focus on one vital community condition (such as humane housing or reliable transportation) that contributes to the well-being of the entire community. Each coalition creates a strategic framework or plan of action for advancing health equity. The CoS team meets regularly with the coalitions, schedules monthly check-ins to build rapport and trust, and also offers support as the coalitions learn and grow.

After completing the Learning Collaborative, coalitions are invited to apply to the Implementation Phase. The Implementation Phase lasts 3 years and includes funding as well as capacity-building resources. Although coalitions will focus their time working in community, they will still be invited to collaborate with each other through convenings and learning.

For more information on the PJTT Learning Collaborative, visit:


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.


Seis coaliciones comunitarias seleccionadas para el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje Prosperemos Juntos Thriving Together de Methodist Healthcare Ministries

San Antonio, TX ( 19 de marzo 2024) – Seis coaliciones comunitarias del sur de Texas han sido seleccionadas para la cuarta cohorte del Colaborativo de Aprendizaje Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together (PJTT) de Methodist Healthcare Ministries. Estas coaliciones se basan en dos áreas geográficas: la Región Fronteriza Central (condados de Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, LaSalle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde y Zavala) y el área de Laredo/la región de los tres condados (condados de Webb, Zapata y Jim Hogg). A partir de este mes, se embarcarán en un colaborativo de aprendizaje de seis meses para explorar diferentes marcos y equiparse para desarrollar y aplicar una estrategia de equidad en la salud para sus comunidades.

PJTT ayuda a las comunidades a cambiar y compartir el poder para acelerar su camino hacia la equidad en la salud. Methodist Healthcare Ministries (MHM) cree firmemente que las comunidades están mejor equipadas para mejorar su salud y bienestar. El objetivo final de este colaborativo es proporcionar a las coaliciones los conocimientos y recursos necesarios para avanzar estratégicamente hacia la equidad en la salud, utilizando como guía el marco de trabajo de los Caminos hacia la Salud de la Población.

“El programa Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together es una de las formas en que avanzamos en nuestro enfoque estratégico de fortalecer las comunidades y estamos centrando nuestros esfuerzos en los condados y regiones con los niveles más altos de inequidades y pobreza”, dijo Jaime Wesolowski, Presidente y CEO de Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “Este enfoque nos permite tener un nivel de compromiso más fuerte y profundo en el que aprendemos y co-creamos las soluciones con las personas que viven, trabajan, orán y juegan en las comunidades a las que servimos.”

Esta es la cuarta cohorte del Colaborativo de Aprendizaje PJTT de MHM. La primera cohorte se lanzó en 2021. El currículo para el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje se desarrolló en asociación con WE In the World. Las coaliciones seleccionadas para la cohorte incluyen:

La Región Fronteriza Central

  • Alianza para el Empoderamiento de la Comunidad (Community Empowerment Alliance)
    • Nerds de las Elecciones (Election Nerds), La defensa de la sexualidad para todos en Eagle Pass (Eagle Pass SAFE), el Sindicato Local de Bomberos 4590 de Eagle Pass (Eagle Pass Firefighter Union Local 5490)
  • Manos Unidas por la Dignidad
    • Fundación del Distrito Hospitalario del Condado de Maverick (Maverick County Hospital District Foundation), El Consulado de Mexico/Ventanilla de Salud, Refugio para mujeres Wintergarden (Wintergarden Women’s Shelter)

Laredo / Región de los tres condados

  • La Alianza para la Prosperidad de Laredo (Prosperity Alliance for Laredo)
    • Fundación Cámara de Comercio de Laredo (Laredo Chamber of Commerce Foundation),Banco Internacional de Comercio (International Bank of Commerce), Banco PNC
  • Sonrisas desde el Cielo
    • Sonrisas desde el Cielo (Smiles from Heaven), Servicios de Seguridad Bondac LLC ( Bondoc Security Services LLC), Centro de Alabanza a Cristo (Christ Worship Center)
  • Zapata Fuerte
    • Biblioteca del Condado de Zapata (Zapata County Public Library), Club de niños y niñas de Zapata (Zapata Boys & Girls Club), Departamentos Los Ebanos (Los Ebanos Apartments), Atención médica para indigentes del condado de Zapata (Zapata County Indigent Care)
  • La Coalición para la Salud de Zapata (Zapata Health Coalition)
    • Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, Zapata Ryderz, Zapata CISD, el Condado de Zapata

Durante el colaborativo de aprendizaje, el equipo de Comunidades de Soluciones (CoS por sus siglas en inglés) de Methodist Healthcare Ministries apoya a las coaliciones en el desarrollo de una colaboración multisectorial que incorpora a personas con experiencia de vida en los desafíos que la coalición está abordando al equipo de liderazgo de la coalición. El objetivo es que las coaliciones identifiquen y se centren en una condición vital de la comunidad (como una vivienda digna o un transporte confiable) que contribuya al bienestar de toda la comunidad. Cada coalición crea un marco estratégico o plan de acción para promover la equidad en la salud. El equipo de Comunidades de Soluciones se reúne periódicamente con las coaliciones, programa reuniones mensuales de seguimiento para fomentar la relación y la confianza, y también ofrece apoyo a medida que las coaliciones aprenden y crecen.

Una vez finalizada esta etapa del Colaborativo de Aprendizaje, se invita a las coaliciones a solicitar su participación en la Fase de Implementación. La Fase de Implementación dura tres años e incluye financiación y recursos para el desarrollo de capacidades. Aunque las coaliciones centrarán su trabajo en la comunidad, se les seguirá invitando a colaborar entre los participantes mediante reuniones y actividades de aprendizaje.

Para más información sobre el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje PJTT, visite:


Acerca de Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries amplía la definición de asistencia sanitaria proporcionando atención clínica de bajo costo a los no asegurados y apoyando los esfuerzos dirigidos por la comunidad que mejoran las condiciones de vida que causan que las personas se enfermen en primer lugar. Utilizamos nuestras ganancias como copropietarios de Methodist Healthcare para garantizar que las personas con desventajas económicas y sin seguro médico puedan llevar una vida más sana. Para ello, defendemos, invertimos y facilitamos el acceso a una atención clínica de calidad y abordamos los factores que afectan a la salud, como la movilidad económica, las relaciones de apoyo, la seguridad alimentaria, el acceso a la banda ancha y las vecindades seguras. En definitiva, cumplimos nuestra misión de “Servir a la humanidad para honrar a Dios” fomentando la equidad sanitaria para que las personas y las familias que viven en los 74 condados en los que prestamos servicio puedan prosperar.

Inclement Weather Notice: Mar. 15 2024

March 15, 2024 (San Antonio, Texas):  A large portion of Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ service area is being threatened by severe weather later this afternoon (March 15).  MHM will be closing its San Antonio area owned facilities, including Corporate, Wesley Health & Wellness Center, Dixon Health & Wellness Center, George Ricks School Based Health Center at Krueger Elementary and George Ricks School Based Health Center at Schertz Elementary at 4 p.m.  Patients who had existing appointments after 4 p.m. will be rescheduled.

The safety of our patients, clients and team members is of utmost importance. Visit for the latest updates.


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive. 

Aspen Global Innovators Group Announces the 2024 Class of Healthy Communities Fellows

Washington, DC, February 28, 2024 Aspen Global Innovators Group’s Healthy Communities Fellowship is proud to announce the selection of its sixth cohort of fellows for the Healthy Communities Fellowship. This initiative maintains a steadfast commitment to nurturing leaders of color in the United States who are dedicated to advancing health and well-being in communities disproportionately affected by economic, racial, and health disparities.

This year’s cohort comprises a diverse and dynamic group of community leaders from San Antonio, TX, Tulsa, OK,  and Durham, NC, are actively confronting pressing community health challenges such as mental health, food security, sexual and reproductive health, criminal justice reform, and more. The fellowship will champion and support ten leaders by equipping them with tailored communication, narrative, and leadership training to increase their visibility, amplify their narratives, scale their innovations, and accelerate change within their communities.

“Community leaders are not just catalysts for change; they are the architects best positioned to design a brighter future. Their lived experience, passionate and authentic commitment to advancing health equity, and talent for innovative approaches are the foundation for transformation and long lasting positive impact on the lives of current and future generations,” said Lola Adedokun, Executive Director, Aspen Global Innovators Group (AGIG).

Dieter Cantu, a 2024 Healthy Communities Fellow, shared his motivation for joining the fellowship: “I joined this fellowship because it resonates with my belief in the power of collective action. It’s a space where passion meets purpose, where we can harness our energy to tackle systemic challenges head-on. With AGIG, we’re not just dreaming of a better future – we’re actively building it.”

Fellows view the year as a personal investment, actively participating in training and mentorship, engaging in thoughtful reflection and writing, and fostering a supportive network within their cohort. This U.S.-based fellowship, not only offers a transformative experience at the local level, but also leverages curated connections with global leaders, enriching the overall impact of the program.

Meet the Healthy Communities Fellows:

The 2024 Healthy Communities Fellows are based in North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Texas. 


Dieter Cantu is an advocate for youth impacted by the juvenile justice and child welfare systems, and an expert in policy reform. His lived experience drives his passion for changing the conditions of confinement for underrepresented children. Cantu leads a multidisciplinary consultancy firm, Juvenile Rights, composed of formerly justice-impacted leaders, with whom he shares a lived experience of incarceration during their youth, dedicated to transforming the approach of systems towards philanthropic investment strategies and narrative change. Together, they leverage their collective expertise in program evaluation, technical assistance, and strategic advocacy to drive impactful change.

Elizabeth Lutz is a community advocate working to increase awareness of the needs of hidden communities in Texas.  Her work centers on the needs of those who have lost access to quality healthcare because of fear, threat, retaliation, or stigma. She uses stories to inform, align, and mobilize resources to improve the well-being of those living in silence and fear. As the daughter of immigrants, she brings a deep understanding of the challenges facing these communities. Using her skills in cross-sector coalition building, solution-focused facilitation, and collaborative partnerships, she is helping create a new narrative that will better inform how public and private resources are invested.

Leonora “Light” Walker,  a symbol of resilience and societal transformation, Walker emerged from incarceration and addiction to become a dynamic force for change. As the Founder and CEO of FREED Texas, a 501c3 nonprofit, she focuses on breaking the cycle of recidivism through education, employment, and divinity. Beyond FREED, she collaborates with organizations addressing homelessness, mental health, addiction, and re-entry challenges. Light’s impact extends to roles on the Child Welfare Board, Oversight Board for the Public Defender’s Office, and a member of Bexar County Re-entry Board. Recognized as a Nationally Designated Peer Support Specialist, she has held esteemed positions, including Vice President of the National Society Leadership & Success, New Leadership Council 2023, and participation in the Notley Change Makers Fellowship in 2023. 


Marcia Bruno-Todd is a leader in Oklahoma working to support and grow new and emerging leaders and broaden involvement within communities. Her work is driven by the need for growing who is at the table, with an eye toward diversity of cultures, industries, and beliefs. Working and creating connections across private, public, and nonprofit sectors, she breaks down silos and creates spaces for community leaders to design innovative solutions that advance equity, inclusivity and strengthen democracy. As the Executive Director of Leadership Tulsa, Marcia has worked diligently to create pathways and encourage participation in leadership opportunities for all voices across Tulsa, Oklahoma. Marcia accelerates change by aligning a wide range of leaders with a shared vision for deep and genuine community participation at all levels of community and government. Her efforts inspire a new generation of changemakers who are focused on a vision for a world with equitable access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

Jacqueline Blocker is a mother and lawyer with a decade of experience in legislative policy related to reproductive justice. Jacqueline is an indigenous woman and descendant of the original Greenwood, the home to a thriving commercial and residential district that was one of the most affluent Black communities in our nation’s history. Jacqueline channels the entrepreneurial attitude of her great-grandmother into streamlining community efforts to improve maternal health outcomes and eradicate barriers to reproductive health. To this end, Jacqueline played a critical role in increasing pregnancy coverage under SoonerCare, making Oklahoma one of the first states to provide reimbursements for doula care under Medicaid. Jacqueline’s favorite part of her work is that she gets the opportunity to educate her community about the intersectionality of the issues that impact women’s health while democratizing access to resources and data.

Shameca K. Brown is a dynamic, faith-driven public administrator and mental health activist who is dedicated to innovating systems of hope and change to create pathways for community mental health in Oklahoma. She excels in care coordination, leveraging her personal resilience and professional commitment to advocate for mental health and empower underserved communities, particularly in Black and Brown spaces. Integrated Mental Health was born from her passionate desire to establish a space where providers have access to tailored resources that support healing within their communities while nurturing voices of personal and professional identity. Later, she founded Harrison Hope, a nonprofit aimed at dismantling the stigma of mental health care by developing programming that infuses HOPE into mental health care practices. Her transformative leadership style, firmly rooted in the principles of empowerment and advocacy, has positioned her as a visionary leader in the behavioral health space. Her dedication to fostering intentional change and creating inclusive spaces for mental health support sets her apart as a driving force in the pursuit of mental health and well-being for all.

Lachelle King is a storyteller, researcher, and autist. After being diagnosed at an adult age, she became an advocate for improving health outcomes for other adult women with autism. Lachelle’s research focuses on the nuances of autism in women, as well as the implications of research bias for women’s health outcomes, regardless of socioeconomic experience.Lachelle’s vision is to see an autism-affirming shift in conversation, research, and acceptance. 


Dr. Dorian Burton is a husband, father, and faith-driven investor with nearly two decades of experience in social and impact investing. Growing up in Rialto, California, Dr. Burton witnessed first-hand the genius, ingenuity, and love that exist in highly capable but thinly capitalized communities. Dorian currently serves as the Managing Partner of SRF Capital & SRF Impact, an impact investment platform strategically built to increase the wealth and health of emergent and frontier communities, with a special focus on the domestic and global south. Dorian is firmly convinced that the communities he is purposed to serve do not have a human capital problem, but rather a capitalization problem, and works to invest in the world’s leading changemakers to build the sustainable and equitable economies of the future with a focus on health. Dorian is driven to find the highest and best use of capital so that everyone might have the opportunity to self-determine their joy and thrive with their community in place.

Mary Oxendine is the Lumbee and Tuscarora granddaughter of rural sharecroppers and a cultivator of relationships and traditional Indigenous foodways. As a financial activist, she is working to shift power and resources to reduce the wealth gap in the United States. She was the inaugural Durham County Food Security Coordinator and helped support the growth of a Black, femme-led community-accountable grocer and launched initiatives to develop an incubator farm centering Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC). As a consultant with Potlikker Capital, she works with beginning and established farmers to develop and grow their businesses using environmentally sustainable practices and build intergenerational community health, wealth, and healing, especially in Indigenous, Black, and Latino communities. 

Courtney Smith is a daughter of Durham and of community organizers. She is a chef, an activist, and a storyteller who is deeply connected to her community. Her mission is to bring business owners, farmers, food producers, policymakers, and consumers together to heal through food, and to start imagining new food systems and communities. As a Black woman who has seen firsthand the injustices of our food system, which often discards the people at the frontlines of producing our food, (farm workers, food safety workers, cooks, and others) she wants to see a food system that honors the people who feed us. She is the co-owner of Piri and one of the co-founders of The Culinary Femme Collective, and her mission is to build support for femmes of color who want to impact their communities through food. She works with business owners, researchers, community organizers, farmers, and culinary creatives to support building a system that focuses on equity and a just food economy.

Learn more about the fellowship at

The Fellowship is supported by our generous funder partners Methodist Healthcare Ministries, H.E. Butt Foundation, and George Kaiser Family Foundation.


The Aspen Global Innovators Group

For over 30 years, the Aspen Global Innovators Group has empowered health and development leaders and innovators from 55 countries across Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Island States to design, champion and advocate for innovative programs, policies, and partnerships that result in a safer, more equitable, and healthier future for all people and communities. Our network of 5000+ individuals and organizations has served 200 million people, improving health, well-being, and equity. We identify and amplify the voices of visionary, proven, and impactful local leaders, advocates, and practitioners. Join us in building a healthier, more equitable future at

The H.E. Butt Foundation
The H. E. Butt Foundation is an operating foundation focused on spiritual formation and health in families and children. Headquartered in Kerrville, Texas, the foundation has offices in San Antonio, though much of their work takes place deep in the Texas Hill Country on 1,900 acres situated along a breathtaking stretch of the Frio River Canyon. The foundation runs five programs—a youth camp, a family camp, an adult retreat center, an outdoor school, and a camp that provides free facility use to qualifying groups. Outside the Canyon, the Foundation operates a sixth program dedicated to fostering community engagement on behalf of families and children in the places they live and work—San Antonio, Kerrville, and Real County. Visit here: 

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries (MHM) broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. The organization uses its earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. MHM does this by advocating for, investing in, and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, MHM fulfills its mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties it serves can thrive. Visit here 

George Kaiser Family Foundation

George Kaiser Family Foundation (GKFF) is a charitable organization dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty through investments in early childhood education, community health, social services and civic enhancement. Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, GKFF works primarily on initiatives developed in collaboration with Tulsa-based direct service organizations. For more information about the George Kaiser Family Foundation, visit   

The Aspen Institute

The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit

Contact: Ladin Bacakoglu, Communications Associate

MHM Receives 2024 Governor’s Texas Award for Performance Excellence

San Antonio, TX (February 27, 2024)Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM) has been selected to receive the 2024 Governor’s Texas Award for Performance Excellence (TAPE) by the Quality Texas Foundation Regional Program (QTFRP). This is the highest level of achievement awarded to participating organizations. MHM is one of two Texas organizations receiving this honor in 2024.

QTFRP recognizes the most outstanding organizations regarding best business practices following the National Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. QTFRP annually recognizes organizations in Texas, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana, South Carolina, Australia, and a part of Oklahoma that have achieved success in adoption and utilization of the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.  The award and recognition are given to only the very best managed organizations following a four-month process by a team of trained Examiners and includes an independent analysis, consolidation of findings, and a hybrid site visit (virtual and onsite).

“This honor affirms that Methodist Healthcare Ministries is heading in the right direction, as we continue our excellence journey and we are now recognized as a role model organization demonstrating exceptional performance in all areas of management and operations,” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “We are deeply proud of our board and team of caring servants who work with remarkable quality, compassion, skill and dedication every day to advance health equity and fulfill our mission of Serving Humanity to Honor God.”

MHM first participated in the TAPE evaluation process in 2022. The organization reapplied in 2023 which included a formal site visit in December. With this honor, MHM is being recognized for its leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce focus, operations focus and results.

Dr. Mac McGuire, CEO, QTFRP said “This is a very detailed and well-thought-out process to select the very best organizations from our region regardless of industry. On behalf of the Board of Directors, Judges, Fellows, Examiners, and staff, we are extremely happy to recognize our two Governor’s Award Recipients – El Paso County Hospital District and Methodist Healthcare Ministries as the two best organizations in our regional program. This Award recognition was intense and competitive using the Baldrige Framework and must be earned. Congratulations to the two organizations for a job well done.”

MHM will receive formal recognition for this honor during a celebration at the 31st Annual Awards/Recognition ceremony, held in person, June 9-11, 2024, at the Georgetown Sheraton, Georgetown, Texas. For more information, visit


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.

Hands-Only CPR Kiosk Highlighted at Health & Wellness Fair

San Antonio (Feb. 21, 2024) – February is American Heart Month and the Witte Museum, Methodist Healthcare Ministries, and the American Heart Association hosted a special Health & Wellness Fair  on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, to share information on the importance of heart health. The event included a special ceremony where Methodist Healthcare Ministries announced its renewed financial support for the America Heart Association’s  Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk located at the H-E-B Body Adventure Powered by University Health System.

“For Methodist Healthcare Ministries, renewing this partnership further advances our mission of serving humanity to honor God as it empowers people in the community to act and respond in the case of an emergency,” said Tony LoBasso, Chief Financial Officer at Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “By teaching visitors how to perform CPR and best render assistance in the case of a cardiac emergency, we can help save lives.  That is why this kiosk is so important and why we are excited to renew this partnership.”

The Witte Museum currently is the only location in South Texas with an American Heart Association Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk sponsored by Methodist Healthcare Ministries. The nationally award winning H-E-B Body Adventure Powered by University Health System was selected for the Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk due to the community focus on Health IQ, Wellness and Empowerment.  Launched in 2019, the American Heart Association Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk at the Witte Museum is the most used Training Kiosk in the United States, according to the American Heart Association’s data.

“The Hands-Only CPR Training Kiosk shows our community and visitors to the Witte how to perform this lifesaving skill in a few minutes,” said Vincent Real, incoming Board Chair of the American Heart Association – San Antonio and CEO of Big State Electric. “This is by far one of the most powerful tools in our community to help change San Antonio from a community of bystanders to a community of Lifesavers.”

At the Health & Wellness Fair, attendees were able to practice the correct way to do CPR, take on the Witte Wellness Challenge and learn about the different health resources San Antonio has to offer from partners such as the Mayor’s Fitness Council, the American Diabetes Association, the San Antonio Food Bank, YMCA, UT Health Science Center and more.

“It’s exciting that the Witte Museum is the place where our partners can deliver this lifesaving CPR learning to so many people,” shared Dirk Elmendorf, CEO and President of the Witte Museum. “More than 50,000 Witte visitors of all ages have learned and gained confidence in CPR thanks to this powerful partnership with the American Heart Association and Methodist Healthcare.”


About the Witte Museum

Th Founded in 1926, the Witte Museum is where Science, Nature and Culture Meet, through the lens of Texas Deep Time, and the themes of Land, Water, Sky. Located on the banks of the San Antonio River in Brackenridge Park, the Witte Museum is San Antonio’s premier museum promoting lifelong learning through innovative exhibitions, programs and collections in natural history, science and South Texas heritage.

About American Heart Association

The American Heart Association is a leading force for a world of longer, healthier lives. With nearly a century of lifesaving work, the Dallas-based association is dedicated to ensuring equitable health for all. We are a trustworthy source empowering people to improve their heart health, brain health and well-being. We collaborate with numerous organizations and millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, advocate for stronger public health policies, and share lifesaving resources and information. Visit to learn more.

About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of health care by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals and families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive. 

10 Community Coalitions Selected for 3rd Cohort of Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ Prosperemos Juntos Thriving Together Implementation Phase

San Antonio, TX (December 14, 2023) – 10 community coalitions from across South Texas have been selected for the third cohort of Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ (MHM) Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together (PJTT) Implementation Phase. MHM has committed $14.7 million in funding over the next three years to enable the coalitions to advance their work. The coalitions recently completed  the six-month PJJT Learning Collaborative that began in March 2023 and helped them explore various frameworks to equip themselves to develop and implement a health equity strategy with their community.

Launched in 2021, PJTT accompanies communities in their journey toward health equity. MHM believes communities hold the solutions to improve their health and well-being. The goal of the annual PJTT Learning Collaborative is to equip coalitions with skills and resources to shift power and address root causes of health equity using the Pathways to Population Health framework as a guide.

The coalitions are  based in three geographic areas: Bexar County, the Mid-Border region (Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, LaSalle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde and Zavala counties), and the Laredo area (Webb, Zapata and Jim Hogg counties). Coalitions funded in the implementation phase receive continued support through convenings, coaching, peer learning, funding and focused capacity-building. The support provided by MHM is for the purpose of advancing each coalition’s health equity strategy.

“The Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together program is one of the ways that we advance our strategic focus of strengthening communities,” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “Seeing these coalitions advance to the implementation phase is inspiring as we witnessed their deep level of engagement with the learning collaborative and determined for themselves the solutions they want to pursue for the people who live, work, pray, and play in the communities we all serve.”

The coalitions selected for this cohort include:

Bexar County Coalitions

  •  Inspiring Hope
    • Corazon Ministries, Monster Moms, FREED Texas
  • Pathways to Prosperity
    • Culturingua, House of Prayer Lutheran Church, COSA Immigration Liaison, Afghan Village and Restaurant, West Avenue Compassion, Workforce Solutions Alamo, Salvere Public Health Consultants
  • Mission of Motherhood
    • American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions, P.E.A.C.E. Initiative, Opportunity Home, Workforce Solutions
  • Earth Warriors
    • Sustainable G’s, Black Freedom Factory, Rising Stars, SanArte Health & Cultural Clinic, De Corazon Circles (Circles in da Hood)

Mid-Border Region Coalitions

  • Eagle Pass Public Health
    • Maverick County Hospital District, Eagle Pass SAFE, City of Eagle Pass
  • The Support Hub
    • Maverick County Hospital District, City of Eagle Pass – Public Library, Healing Hearts
  • Neurodiversity Coalition
    • Eagle Pass HEROES, Maverick County Hospital District, City of Eagle Pass

Laredo Area Coalitions

  • Zacate Creek Green District
    • Rio Grande International Study Center, Azteca Economic Development and Preservation Corp, Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability (LCUAS), City Makery/Able City, City of Laredo Health Department, Laredo Main Street, Monte Mucho Audubon Society
  • Drug Free Communities (FACE)
    • Holding Institute, PILLAR, Grace Center, WestCare Foundation,                     Communities in Schools of Laredo, Inc.
  • Laredo Health Promotores
    • Ruthe B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center, City of Laredo – Public Health Department, Laredo Stroke Support Group, Mercy Ministries of Laredo

Having completed the Learning Collaborative, coalitions were invited to apply to the Implementation Phase, which lasts three years and includes funding. MHM will continue to support and journey alongside the coalitions as they implement their visions for healthy and thriving communities.

For more information on the Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together Learning Collaborative, visit:


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of health care by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals and families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.


10 Coaliciones Comunitarias Seleccionadas para la 3ra Cohorte de la Fase de Implementación de Prosperemos Juntos Thriving Together de Methodist Healthcare Ministries

San Antonio, TX (14 de diciembre de 2023) – 10 coaliciones comunitarias de todo el sur de Texas han sido seleccionadas para la tercera cohorte de la Fase de Implementación de Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together (PJTT) de Methodist Healthcare Ministries (MHM). MHM se ha comprometido a aportar $14.7 millones de dólares durante los próximos tres años para que las coaliciones puedan avanzar en su trabajo. Las coaliciones completaron recientemente el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje PJJT de seis meses que comenzó en marzo de 2023 y les ayudó a explorar varios marcos para equiparse para desarrollar e implementar una estrategia de equidad en salud con su comunidad.

Lanzada en 2021, la PJTT acompaña a las comunidades en su camino hacia la equidad en salud. MHM cree que las comunidades tienen las soluciones para mejorar su salud y bienestar. El objetivo de la colaboración anual de aprendizaje de la PJTT es dotar a las coaliciones de habilidades y recursos para cambiar el poder y abordar las causas fundamentales de la equidad sanitaria utilizando como guía el marco de Caminos hacia la Salud de la Población.

Las coaliciones están ubicadas en tres zonas geográficas: El condado de Bexar, la región de la Frontera Media (condados de Dimmit, Edwards, Kinney, LaSalle, Maverick, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde y Zavala) y la zona de Laredo (condados de Webb, Zapata y Jim Hogg). Las coaliciones financiadas en la fase de implementación reciben apoyo continuo a través de convocatorias, asesoramiento, aprendizaje entre iguales, financiación y desarrollo de capacidades específicas. El apoyo proporcionado por MHM tiene como objetivo impulsar la estrategia de equidad en salud de cada coalición.

“El programa Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together es una de las formas en que promovemos nuestro enfoque estratégico de fortalecer las comunidades”, dijo Jaime Wesolowski, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “Ver a estas coaliciones avanzar a la fase de implementación es inspirador, ya que fuimos testigos de su profundo nivel de compromiso con el colaborativo de aprendizaje y determinamos por sí mismos las soluciones que quieren perseguir para las personas que viven, trabajan, oran y juegan en las comunidades que todos servimos.”

Las coaliciones seleccionadas para esta cohorte son:

Coaliciones del Condado de Bexar

  • Inspiring Hope
    • Corazon Ministries, Monster Moms, FREED Texas
  • Pathways to Prosperity
    • Culturingua, House of Prayer Lutheran Church, COSA Immigration Liaison, Afghan Village and Restaurant, West Avenue Compassion, Workforce Solutions Alamo, Salvere Public Health Consultants
  • Mission of Motherhood
    • American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions, P.E.A.C.E. Initiative, Opportunity Home, Workforce Solutions
  • Earth Warriors
    • Sustainable G’s, Black Freedom Factory, Rising Stars, SanArte Health & Cultural Clinic, De Corazon Circles (Circles in da Hood)

Coaliciones de la región de la fronteriza central

  • Eagle Pass Public Health
    • Maverick County Hospital District, Eagle Pass SAFE, City of Eagle Pass
  • The Support Hub
    • Maverick County Hospital District, City of Eagle Pass – Public Library, Healing Hearts
  • Neurodiversity Coalition
    • Eagle Pass HEROES, Maverick County Hospital District, City of Eagle Pass

Coaliciones de la zona de Laredo

  • Zacate Creek Green District
    • Rio Grande International Study Center, Azteca Economic Development and Preservation Corp, Laredo Center for Urban Agriculture and Sustainability (LCUAS), City Makery/Able City, City of Laredo Health Department, Laredo Main Street, Monte Mucho Audubon Society
  • Drug Free Communities (FACE)
    • Holding Institute, PILLAR, Grace Center, WestCare Foundation, Communities in Schools of Laredo, Inc.
  • Laredo Health Promotores
    • Ruthe B. Cowl Rehabilitation Center, City of Laredo – Public Health Department, Laredo Stroke Support Group, Mercy Ministries of Laredo

Una vez completado el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje, se invitó a las coaliciones a presentar su solicitud para la Fase de Implementación, que dura tres años e incluye financiación. MHM continuará apoyando y acompañando a las coaliciones en la implementación de sus visiones de comunidades saludables y prósperas.

Para más información sobre el Colaborativo de Aprendizaje Prosperemos Juntos | Thriving Together, visite:


Acerca de Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries amplía la definición de asistencia sanitaria proporcionando atención clínica de bajo costo para las personas sin seguro y apoyando los esfuerzos dirigidos por la comunidad que mejoran las condiciones de vida que causan que las personas enfermen en primer lugar. Utilizamos nuestras ganancias como copropietarios de Methodist Healthcare para garantizar que las personas económicamente desfavorecidas y sin seguro médico puedan llevar una vida más sana. Para ello, defendemos, invertimos y facilitamos el acceso a una atención clínica de calidad y abordamos los factores que afectan a la salud, como la movilidad económica, las relaciones de apoyo, la seguridad alimentaria, el acceso a la banda ancha y las vecindades seguras. En última instancia, cumplimos nuestra misión de “Servir a la humanidad para honrar a Dios” fomentando la equidad en salud para que las personas y familias que viven en los 74 condados en los que prestamos servicio puedan prosperar.

More than 160 Local Families Will Receive Decorated Trees at 11th Annual Christmas Tree Giveaway at Wesley Health & Wellness Center

San Antonio (December 5, 2023) – On Wednesday, November 29, Methodist Healthcare Ministries partnered with Methodist Healthcare and the San Antonio Spurs to donate more than 160 decorated Christmas trees to underserved families in San Antonio. As part of their annual holiday celebrations, several departments of Methodist Hospital, Methodist Children’s Hospital, Methodist Hospital | Texsan, Methodist Hospital | Landmark, Methodist Hospital | Metropolitan and Methodist Healthcare System Office participate in a tree decorating contest. Following the competition, the trees, along with 90 wreaths decorated by departments at Methodist Hospital | Specialty & Transplant, Methodist Hospital | Northeast and Methodist Hospital | Stone Oak, are given to families served by Methodist Healthcare Ministries. (View footage from the 2023 event.)

The families who received Christmas trees are selected amongst existing Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ patients and clients who receive care through its Parenting Programs, Recreation & Enrichment services, Behavioral Health, and the Wesley Nurse program. The distribution started at 4 p.m. and lasted through 6 p.m., when the last family loaded up its tree.

“Seeing the smiles on the faces of the families and taking in the joy truly makes this one of our favorite traditions” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO at Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “This annual event between our organization and Methodist Healthcare hospitals supports our shared mission of ‘Serving Humanity to Honor God” and we are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share the Christmas spirit and holiday cheer with our community.”

This year, a Winter Wonderland was created inside the Wesley Health & Wellness Center for families to enjoy while waiting to pick out their tree, with Spurs players Malaki Branham and Charles Bassey, Coyote and Hype Squad in attendance for the festivities. Methodist Healthcare is the Official Healthcare System of the San Antonio Spurs.


About Spurs Sports & Entertainment

Spurs Sports & Entertainment (SS&E) is a value-based and community-centric sports and entertainment company that provides premier live and global digital experiences for fans across a portfolio of three teams and two venues – all supported by a passionate staff of more than 1,000 full and part-time employees. SS&E owns and operates the San Antonio Spurs (NBA), Austin Spurs (NBA G League), and San Antonio FC (USL), as well as manages the day-to-day operations of the Frost Bank Center, Toyota Field and STAR Complex. In November 2021, SS&E broke ground on The Rock at La Cantera, a multiphase $500 million legacy project that will extend across 45 acres and feature a human performance research center, 22-acre park, a community outdoor event plaza and space for medical, hospitality and office use. The campus is home to the new Victory Capital Performance Center, a state-of-the-art training facility for the San Antonio Spurs, which opened in October 2023. The SS&E investor group is led by Managing Partner Peter J. Holt.

About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals and families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive. 

About Methodist Healthcare

Methodist Healthcare is a 50-50 co-ownership between Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc., South Texas’ largest non-public funding source of community health care for uninsured patients; and HCA Healthcare, the nation’s leading provider of healthcare services. This creates a unique partnership that ensures Methodist Healthcare Ministries continues to benefit the community by providing quality care to all and charitable care when needed. Methodist Healthcare invested $818 million in charity and indigent care to the community in 2022 alone. With over 30 facilities, including ten hospitals and nine freestanding emergency departments, over 732,783 ER, inpatients and outpatients are served annually. The Methodist Healthcare team is comprised of 13,500 staff, making the system the second largest private employer in San Antonio. With more than 3,400 credentialed physicians, Methodist Healthcare provides the largest array of medical services in the region, including neurosurgery, cardiovascular services, oncology and women’s services. And, with 25 surgical robots, Methodist Healthcare is a national leader in robotic surgery, as well as home to the nation’s largest Live Donor Kidney Transplant program and several Fortune/Merative Top 100 Hospitals in the nation for its outstanding quality outcomes. Visit to learn more.

San Antonio Express-News Names Methodist Healthcare Ministries a Winner of the San Antonio Metro Area Top Workplaces 2023 Award

(San Antonio, TX October 23, 2023) – For the third consecutive year, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM) has been awarded a Top Workplaces 2023 honor by San Antonio Express-News Top Workplaces. This is the third consecutive year MHM has received this recognition and the fourth time in the past decade.

The selection is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by employee engagement technology partner Energage LLC. The confidential survey uniquely measures 15 culture drivers that are critical to the success of any organization: including alignment, execution and connection, just to name a few.

“To receive this special recognition for a third consecutive year is truly a testament to the remarkable team we have at Methodist Healthcare Ministries, who embody our mission of ‘Serving Humanity to Honor God’ in everything they do” said Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO, Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “We are thankful to our mission-driven board of directors for ensuring our team has the resources and tools they require to work with exceptional skill, humility and passion to pursue health equity across South Texas; making every day at Methodist Healthcare Ministries rewarding—and truly an extraordinary place to work.”

MHM employs 500 employees across San Antonio and throughout Texas, including at its corporate headquarters located in the San Antonio Medical Center, two community clinics (the Wesley Health & Wellness Center and the Dixon Health & Wellness Center), two George Ricks School-Based Health Centers at Krueger Elementary and Schertz Elementary, and over 100 additional staff positions located within local churches and community centers in 74 counties across South Texas. MHM offers employees a robust benefits package including medical, dental, and vision coverage, the opportunity to invest in a matching 401(k) savings plan, a vibrant health & wellness incentive program, education reimbursement opportunities and more.

“Earning a Top Workplaces award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “That’s something to be proud of. In today’s market, leaders must ensure they’re allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That’s paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends.”


About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals and families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.

About Energage Making the world a better place to work together.TM

Energage is a purpose-driven company that helps organizations turn employee feedback into useful business intelligence and credible employer recognition through Top Workplaces. Built on 17 years of culture research and the results from 27 million employees surveyed across more than 70,000 organizations, Energage delivers the most accurate competitive benchmark available. With access to a unique combination of patented analytic tools and expert guidance, Energage customers lead the competition with an engaged workforce and an opportunity to gain recognition for their people-first approach to culture. For more information or to nominate your organization, visit or

Methodist Healthcare Ministries receives prestigious NCQA Certification as Patient Centered Medical Home

San Antonio, TX (October 1, 2023)Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM) announces that it has received the Patient Centered Medical Home certification from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). NCQA accredits and certifies health care organizations that have made a commitment to a patient-centered approach to care and continuous quality improvement.

“Methodist Healthcare Ministries is committed to delivering high quality, affordable care that is centered around each patient, providing support to make the best choices for their own health and well-being,” said Jaime Wesolwoski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “We recognize that patients come to us seeking relief not only from physical conditions, but also healing from emotional and spiritual trauma. Using evidence-based practices, we listen carefully to each patient and offer integrated medical, behavioral and oral health care that is coordinated alongside parenting and wellness classes so that each patient has the opportunity to thrive.”

The NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home program reflects the input of the American College of Physicians (ACP), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Osteopathic Association (AOA) and others. It was developed to assess whether clinician practices are functioning as medical homes and then recognize them for these efforts. The NCQA Patient Centered Medical Home standards emphasize the use of systematic, patient-centered, coordinated care that supports access, communication and patient involvement.

“The NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition raises the bar in defining high-quality care by emphasizing access, health information and coordinated care focused on patients,” said NCQA President Margaret E. O’Kane. “Recognition shows that Methodist Healthcare Ministries has the tools, systems and resources to provide its patients with the right care, at the right time.”

Wesolowski added, “We’re honored to receive this certification from the NCQA that recognizes our work putting our patients and clients at the center of our efforts while continuously building better relationships with our community.”

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About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals and  families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.

About National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)

NCQA is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health care quality. NCQA accredits and certifies a wide range of health care organizations. It also recognizes clinicians and practices in key areas of performance. NCQA’s Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) is the most widely used performance measurement tool in health care. In recognition for its leadership in diversity, equity and inclusion, NCQA has won the Excellence in Diversity Award from the Chesapeake Human Resources Association. NCQA’s website ( contains information to help consumers, employers and others make more-informed health care choices. NCQA can be found online at or Twitter @ncqa and on LinkedIn at

Clarity Child Guidance Center Breaks Ground on Vital Renovations to Increase Capacity and Improve Care

San Antonio, Texas (September 26, 2023) –  Clarity Child Guidance Center broke ground during a special ceremony on Wednesday, September 20  on renovations being made possible through its “HEROES: The Campaign for Clarity.” Through the campaign, Clarity is ensuring that every child and family who needs behavioral health services can receive them.

At the ceremony on Clarity’s 8-acre campus in San Antonio, which was attended by nearly 100 guests, Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ board chair Lavonne Garrison announced that MHM is contributing to Clarity’s capital campaign with a gift of $1 million, furthering their mission of healing young minds and hearts. “Supporting adult and youth mental health has been a long-time priority for MHM and we have been proud to provide community grants to partners across South Texas, like Clarity, who are providing services to the families in their communities, as well as providing services to the patients we serve across our service area,” said Garrison.

Through the Heroes campaign, Clarity will:

  • Renovate Building 5 into an 8-bed Pediatric Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PPICU) that will provide trauma-informed mental health services to an additional 700 children each year.
  • Establish a flexible living unit in Building 3 for any age or gender.
  • Update the kitchen to create an environmentally friendly space to accommodate 125 kids and staff.
  • Finish out third floor of Outpatient Building to allow for 4,500 more outpatient appointments annually.
  • Expand the Crisis Services Department to assess an additional 60 kids in crisis per month.
  • Expand the Next Step Center to increase space and accessibility for families and children who need extended services.

Clarity is the only nonprofit in South Texas providing a continuum of mental health services to children ages 3-17 and their families to manage mental health conditions. With the region’s largest concentration of child and adolescent psychiatrists, it provides inpatient, outpatient, partial hospitalization, emergency room crisis services, care coordination, education and more annually to over 8,000 children in need of care, regardless of their family’s ability to pay.

“Clarity Child Guidance Center has seen a dramatic increase in the need for children’s mental health services post pandemic,” said Jessica Knudson, , LCSW, FACHE, CEO and President of Clarity Child Guidance Center.  “We are so appreciative to all of our supporters that have helped us kick off our campaign.  The $1 million gift from Methodist Healthcare Ministries was pivotal in moving forward with this much needed expansion.“

The U.S. Surgeon General’s recent advisory warned that mental health challenges are the leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people, with up to 1 in 5 children ages 3 to 17 in the U.S. having a mental, emotional, developmental or behavioral disorder. In Texas, more than 67% of children who need treatment never receive it—even though 25% have onset by age 7—due to three barriers: a lack of service providers where they live; stigma around mental health; and the ability to pay for services.

60 percent of the children served by Clarity are uninsured, underinsured, or low-income, making the organization even more a valuable resource for the community given the barriers that exist in accessing care.  The barriers to care compound a troubling trend among area youth. The San Antonio Teen Mental Health Survey conducted in the spring 2022, found that 37% of youth expressed an inability to perform day to day tasks and 49% stated feeling helpless, hopeless, numb, or like nothing matters.

Bexar County Judge Peter Sakai and San Antonio City Councilman Manny Pelaez (D8) were on hand to speak to the importance of addressing children’s mental health for the betterment of our community.  Judge Sakai stated “I’m well aware of the escalating needs in the community and I think the community recognizes that COVID was a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, and it continues. It (the impact of COVID) has been devastating, which means we have to double down and add more resources for mental health to care for those especially those in need.”

Councilman Pelaez added, “I thank God every single day that there are people like the folks who work at Clarity who come to work to make the difference for these kids. I can tell you that there is no doubt in my mind that for the first time ever, you have a city council who, in unison, now speak the language of mental health, trauma-informed care, and making sure that we don’t just deliver streets & sidewalks & parks & drainage facilities and an airport, but also that we’re delivering an ecosystem where everybody has that right to live work and play. And that those who are most brittle and vulnerable can also reclaim that right to live work and play.”

Clarity supports all Bexar County children between the ages of 3 and 17 who are experiencing mental and behavioral disturbances, their families, and their communities. Last year, Clarity experienced a dramatic demand for services, including a 65% increase in inpatient admissions with no previous treatment history, a 27% increase in inpatient hospitalizations and a 159% increase in the use of  the Crisis Services Department.

Tony LoBasso, Chief Operating Officer of Methodist Healthcare Ministries and Board Chair for Clarity Child Guidance Center added, “Our kids are our future, and we have to make sure that they have access to care to put the stigma of behavioral health behind and make sure there is a caring environment that they feel they and their family can come to and be served.”

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About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.

About Clarity Child Guidance Center:

Founded in 1886, Clarity Child Guidance Center is the only nonprofit in South Texas providing a continuum of mental health services for children ages 3-17 and their families to manage mental health conditions ranging from depression and anxiety to suicidal ideation, bipolar disorder and/or schizophrenia. In keeping with its vision to ensure that every child and family that needs its services receives its services, Clarity maintains a stand-alone mental health hospital on an eight-acre kid-friendly, open campus, with 66-bed, four-unit inpatient hospital with a six-bed Crisis Services unit offering specialized treatment for children.  It serves more than 8,000 children annually in need of care, regardless of their family’s ability to pay; the majority of patients are disproportionately low-income.   It offers the region’s largest concentration of child and adolescent psychiatrists through onsite affiliations with Southwest Psychiatric Physicians and UT Health San Antonio; it is also a teaching hospital for the esteemed nursing schools of UT Health San Antonio and University of Incarnate Word.

Methodist Healthcare Ministries Announces $500,000 Gift to Harlandale Independent School District for After School Programming

San Antonio, TX  (September 18, 2023)Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. (MHM) announced that it is making a $500,000 gift to the Harlandale Independent School District (HISD) during the Special Recognitions Program prior to the HISD School Board meeting on Monday, September 18, 2023. The announcement addresses the school district’s request for support to continue after school care programs for five schools in the district: Schulze Elementary School, Harlandale Middle School, Kingsborough Middle School, S.T.E.M. Early College High School, and Frank Tejeda Academy.

“Partnerships like this are important because we know that health is more than just what happens at a doctor’s visit at one of our clinics. It’s a lifelong journey fueled by supportive relationships, caring communities, and more fair and just opportunities for every person to be the healthiest version of themselves,” said Xochy Hurtado, Chief Operating Officer for Methodist Healthcare Ministries. “Through this gift, Methodist Healthcare Ministries and Harlandale will build a healthier, thriving community by strengthening families, improving health and safety for students and giving parents the peace of mind they need to work and lead happy, healthy families.“

The HISD, like many other school districts across Texas, previously received funding from the federal government’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). With that funding source depleted, HISD was facing a funding shortage that would lead to 50 percent of its after school programs being cut for the current 2023-2024 school year. These five schools and hundreds of kids would find themselves without access to critical after school care programs and activities that are critical to helping them reach their fullest potential for life.

“This funding is a beacon of hope for our after-school programs, allowing us to provide invaluable support and opportunities to our students,” said Gerardo Soto, Superintendent of Schools at Harlandale Independent School District. “We are deeply appreciative of Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ commitment to our community’s education and well-being.”

MHM’s Wesley Health & Wellness Center (WHWC) is located near the HISD and students from the five impacted schools often participate in programming offered at the WHWC. Through this effort, MHM will continue to broaden the definition of healthcare by partnering with HISD, strengthening families, improving the health and safety for the children and giving parents the peace of mind.

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About Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.Methodist Healthcare Ministries broadens the definition of healthcare by providing low-cost clinical care for the uninsured and by supporting community-led efforts that improve living conditions that cause people to be sick in the first place. We use our earnings as co-owners of Methodist Healthcare to ensure that people who are economically disadvantaged and uninsured can live their healthiest lives. We do this by advocating for, investing in and providing access to quality clinical care and addressing factors that affect health—including economic mobility, supportive relationships, food security, broadband access, and safe neighborhoods. Ultimately, we fulfill our mission of “Serving Humanity to Honor God” by advancing health equity so that more resilient individuals & families living in the 74 counties we serve can thrive.

About Harlandale Independent School District:The Harlandale Independent School District serves about 12,000 students with two traditional high schools, the STEM Early College High School, Frank Tejeda Academy, four middle schools, nine elementary schools,  and one alternate campus.

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Jaime Wesoloski

President & Chief Executive Officer

Jaime Wesolowski is the President and Chief Executive Officer at Methodist Healthcare Ministries. A healthcare executive with three decades of leadership experience, Jaime is responsible for the overall governance and direction of Methodist Healthcare Ministries. Jaime earned his Master’s Degree in Healthcare Administration from Xavier University, and his Bachelor’s of Science from Indiana University in Healthcare Administration. As a cancer survivor, Jaime is a staunch supporter of the American Cancer Society. He serves as Chair of the American Cancer Society’s South Texas Area board of directors and he was appointed as Chair to the recently created South Region Advisory Cabinet, covering eight states from Arizona through Alabama. Jaime believes his personal experience as a cancer survivor has given him more defined insight and compassion to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of patients and their families.