MHM explores Facebook

The second in the four-part Lunch & Learn series continued yesterday with the "Facebook: Network Navigation & Protecting Your Privacy," presentation. This learning series, developed by the MHM Public Relations department, is aimed at providing team members the opportunity to further explore and gain knowledge in the area of social media and social networking.

As MHM expands its reach into the new media realm with the creation of a Facebook page, YouTube Channel and Blog in combination with a newly designed, social-friendly website, the Public Relations department found ensuring team members are equipped with the knowledge necessary to comfortably navigate through these channels to be a top priority.

This second installation took a look the Facebook network in particular. The presentation was broken up into four major topic areas including:

  • Terms & Terminology
  • Network Navigation
  • Personal Security & Privacy Measures
  • What's on the Horizon

First, attendees took a look at the unique language that makes up Facebook like what it means to "check-in" or to write on someone's "wall." Participants were then introduced to the most recent changes Facebook has activated in the Network Navigation segment of the presentation. Next, personal security and privacy measures were addressed to include topics such as how to enable secure browsing while on Facebook and configuring your Privacy Settings to fit your personal needs. Lastly, attendees were given a glimpse into what's on Facebook's horizon like the network's new profile called, "Timeline," and the expanding "Instant Personalization," feature.

As the session closed, one thing was clear: as Facebook continues to grow and change we must do our part, as subscribers to the network, to remain conscious and informed users.

Were you able to attend this session? Please share your insights. Still have questions? Share them here (by adding a comment) or contact Dominica Garza at or 210-253-3220.

