“Come Be My Light”

The August Wesley Nurse Health Ministries™ quarterly meeting gave Reverend Mickey McCandless, Director of Church Connections and Spiritual Care, and Wesley Nurses in attendance the opportunity to gather for the spiritual formation, "Come Be My Light."

"Come Be My Light," a presentation created by Rev. Mickey McCandless, was designed with the objective of answering the question, "How do I live my faith through my position as a Wesley Nurse?"

Wesley Nurses were asked to reflect on the lifestyle of faith that radically impacts people through Jesus, John Wesley, and Mother Teresa in an effort to learn how to stay healthy in spirit while living this lifestyle of faith.

Questions posed for reflection included:

  • What is a lifestyle of faith?
  • Who in history has demonstrated that lifestyle?
  • How might each of us reflect that lifestyle as we work as Wesley Nurses?
  • How do we stay healthy in spirit that we might live this lifestyle for our entire life?
  • The difference we can make as we live this lifestyle.

Overall, the presentation prompted positive feedback from those in attendance. Further, one participant suggested the clinical staff of MHM might benefit from the same presentation.

When asked for his personal insight, Rev. Mickey McCandless exclaimed, "I have a passion for spiritual formation and this presentation gave me the opportunity to begin to shape a large group of leaders in growing themselves and offering a new set of perspectives to those with whom they serve. It reminded me that I am fed by public sharing of spiritual and vision themes and must utilize my giftedness of authentic expression regularly."

Interested in learning more about the, "Come Be My Light," presentation? Please contact Rev. Mickey McCandless at (210) 692-7841 or mccandless@mhm.org. Were you able to attend the presentation? Please leave us your feedback!