Wesley Nurse Health Ministries: I am Excellence

In preparation for the Wesley Nurse Health Ministries™ (WNHM) May Quarterly Meeting, the WNHM administrative team met to discuss ideas on how to help ensure all remote team members felt a part of the 2011 I am Excellence campaign. While a large majority of Wesley Nurses participated in the official Feedback for Excellence kick-off event via WebEx in April, we wanted to make sure all of the Wesley Nurses had the opportunity to experience the I am Excellence campaign in-person while convened for the May Quarterly Meeting in San Antonio.
To assist, we recruited the help of Judith Arrington, Wesley Nurse at Bethany UMC in San Antonio, who is especially skilled at creating eye-catching flyers and promotional items for her programs. During a brainstorming session with Judith and the WNHM administrative team, we came up with the idea of incorporating the I am Excellence campaign into a table decorating exercise. Wesley Nurses were presented with the challenge to create a table display unique to their region, programs and community, drawing from the 2011 Feedback For Excellence campaign theme.
The instructions were simple: teams were provided with their table specifications, asked to create a short personal biography, and had an allowance of up to $10 to decorate with. The results, however, far exceeded all expectations.
We are happy to share this table tour video featuring the imagination, creativity, and hard work of our entire WNHM team. Enjoy!