Statement from Jaime Wesolowski, President & CEO of Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. on Racial Injustice

Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc.’s long standing mission is “Serving Humanity to Honor God” and our vision is “To be the leader for improving wellness of the least served.” We believe that to improve the wellness of the least served and fully live out our mission we must recognize the inequities inherent in our communities that contribute to poor health outcomes. Inequities revolving around maternal and infant health, chronic stress, trauma, education, food security, safe housing and financial wealth have resulted in vast differences in life expectancy and quality of life for people living in the 74 counties we serve.
We believe that by nurturing resilient families—regardless of one’s spirituality, income, race, gender, or sexual orientation—we help communities to thrive. And, only when everyone has access to quality healthcare, a good education, meaningful job opportunities, as well as safe and just living environments, can communities truly thrive.
The disenfranchisement of people of color in our community through policies and practices contributing to systemic racial oppression, including the suppression of opportunities to reach one’s full potential for health and life, does harm to all families and prevents every community from thriving.
As an organization rooted in the traditions of the Methodist faith, we proclaim, with the 2017-2020 Social Principles of the United Methodist Church, recognition of racism as sin and affirm the ultimate and temporal worth of all persons. We rejoice in the gifts that every racial group and culture bring to our total life and stand with our partners, patients, clients, and the communities we serve in rejecting all expressions of racism and policies and practices that erode inclusion and diminish health equity for all.