Methodist Healthcare Ministries Sponsors United Communities of San Antonio 62nd Awards Dinner

Texas is ranked third in the country with more than 57 active extremist and hate groups. In one study, 49 percent of children in grades 4-12 reported being bullied by students at school at least once during the past month. Because individuals still suffer from bullying, exclusion, hatred, harassment and violence, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. has contributed $2,500 to be a Silver Sponsor at the 62nd Annual Brotherhood/Sisterhood Awards Dinner of the United Communities of San Antonio, a human relations non-profit organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry, prejudice and racism in San Antonio.
United Communities of San Antonio 62nd Awards Dinner
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
Pearl Stable (307 Pearl Pkwy, San Antonio, TX 78215)
Honorable attendees include:
- Dr. Adena Williams Loston, President of St. Phillip's College
- Susan L. Pamerleau, Sheriff of Bexar County
- Josue (Joe) Robles, Jr., USAA Retired President and CEO / MG, USA (Ret).
- Dr. Alice Viroslav, Clinical Assistant Professor of UTHSCSA/Neutroradiologist of Radsource, LLC
Each year, the United Communities of San Antonio Awards Dinner honors outstanding community leaders with the Brotherhood/Sisterhood Humanitarian Award for promoting diversity and respect, making a difference in the community, and up keeping the ideals of the United Communities of San Antonio.
"Methodist Healthcare Ministries is pleased to support the United Communities of San Antonio and to stand by their mission of promoting understanding and respect to eliminate bullying, prejudice and harm," said Kevin C. Moriarty, president & CEO at Methodist Healthcare Ministries.
Since being founded in San Antonio in 1954, the United Communities of San Antonio has promoted understanding and respect among all races, religions and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution and education. The goal of the United Communities of San Antonio is to create a safe environment in which education, dialogue, and interaction among people results in mutual respect for self and others.
The 62nd Awards Dinner is open to the public; individual tickets are $175 each and may be purchased by visiting
For more information about the United Communities of San Antonio, please visit