Methodist Healthcare Ministries supports the American Heart Association

According to the American Heart Association, America’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers are heart disease and stroke. To increase awareness of heart disease, Methodist Healthcare Ministries proudly sponsored several American Heart Association events, including two in February in celebration of American Heart Month.

More women die from heart disease than from all forms of cancer combined. On Feb. 8, Methodist Healthcare Ministries proudly sponsored the Go Red for Women Luncheon in San Antonio to inform attendees to catch the red flags and encourage women to know their heart health story. Mothers, daughters, sisters, and friends are all at risk of heart disease and stroke. Go Red For Women inspires women to make lifestyle changes, mobilize communities, and shape policies to save lives.

On Feb. 24, Methodist Healthcare Ministries also sponsored the Vestido Rojo Conference, an initiative to address the needs of Hispanic women in San Antonio. Because heart disease is the number one cause of death for Hispanic women, the Vestido Rojo conference empowered women with knowledge and tools so they could take positive action to protect their health. The event included blood pressure screenings, education sessions, exhibitors, and a luncheon packed with entertainment and heart health information.

Looking ahead on April 7, Methodist Healthcare Ministries will be a top-level sponsor at the Go Red for Women Luncheon in Corpus Christi, Texas. The luncheon, organized in part by local Wesley Nurses, will provide women of all generations tips and information on healthy eating, exercise, and risk factor reduction, such as smoking cessation, weight maintenance, blood pressure control and blood cholesterol management. For more information on the luncheon and to register, click here.

The American Heart Association movement continues to reach women, men, health care professionals, policy-makers, and even celebrities to embrace and elevate the cause of heart disease. For more information on the American Heart Association, and for helpful resources, visit