Rev. Dr. Aaron Gonzalez

Rev. Dr. Aaron Gonzalez serves as the Director of Spiritual Care and Church Connections for Methodist Healthcare Ministries. He was appointed by the Bishop of the Rio Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church to serve as the liaison between Methodist Healthcare Ministries and the Conference. He plays a key role in advancing the Methodist Healthcare Ministries’ strategic plan focused on health equity—with special attention in grounding that work in the organizational mission of Serving Humanity to Honor God. In addition to his connectional responsibilities to the United Methodist Church, he helps foster and guide the spiritual direction of the organization and its staff. Rev. Dr. Gonzalez joined the organization in 2015 as the Pastor of Spiritual Care and Clinical Services and provided pastoral care and spiritual direction for all team members, including clinic communities. Prior to his work in ministry, he was a leader at USAA Insurance Company in San Antonio, TX, for 11 years. He earned a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin, a Master’s of Science in Organizational Leadership from Our Lady of the Lake University, a Master of Divinity from United Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership Excellence from Wesley Theological Seminary. He is an ordained elder in the church and brings more than 15 years of pastoral leadership experience.